The Insignificance of Almost Everything

The Insignificance of Almost Everything – Distinguishing between the many trivialities of life and the truly important things is an art that few master, but many struggle with throughout their lives. I don’t know if it is worse today than in the past, but certainly, the numerous options for distraction and entertainment (WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, etc.) do not help those who do not have clear goals and/or struggle to discipline themselves to complete their projects.
Many people suffer from not knowing how to distinguish between what genuinely contributes positively to achieving their goals and what simply provides momentary satisfaction, but holds no long-term beneficial impact on their lives. John C. Maxwell says, “You cannot overestimate the unimportance of practically everything.” And that’s true – not everything in life, and not everything we do, holds equal value. Not knowing the difference will waste our time, money, talent, relationships, and other valuable resources we might possess. In short, it’s a definite recipe for failure in EVERYTHING.
Living according to our values helps us identify the personal and professional activities that we should prioritize in our daily lives. For example, here are some activities in a typical week of mine: “Writing two or three articles, creating a proposal for a future client, shooting and editing 2-3 videos for my 3Speak channel, spending time with my kids and wife, exercising, educating myself by reading books, responding to emails, tending to our orchard, nurturing friendships, assisting with household chores, etc.” These activities involve a series of small steps that demand time; however, even though these activities are important, they do not all hold the same level of importance.
It is my responsibility to assess and prioritize everything properly so that my action plan is effective, thus preventing time wastage and ensuring the completion and delivery of a quality product. Also, to ensure that my wife does not kick me out of the house! 😉 But on a serious note, of course, there’s also time for getting distracted on social media or watching a Netflix video. However, any lapse on our part can lead to the loss of a valuable hour or two from our day. Let’s not forget that time doesn’t return. We cannot do or have everything in life, hence we need to be very clear about the things that hold importance to us and act accordingly.
For instance, if I recognize that completing this article is more crucial than responding to my emails right now, I allocate time during the day, disconnect from social networks, isolate myself in my office, and write until I finish. Only then can I proceed to the next project on my priority list. This way of thinking and acting empowers me to manage my time efficiently, enabling me to decline what does not contribute or contributes minimally to the goals I wish to achieve. MOST activities in my life are indeed important, but NOT ALL hold real importance. It is in my best interest to recognize the difference.
🗓️ REMEMBER to mark your calendars for October 6, 2023! 🗓️ If you have the desire to unleash the leader within you and create a significant impact around you, then be part of Live2Lead 2023, our interactive virtual event! For more information about the event and to purchase your ticket click here ➡️ Live2Lead 2023